Announcements from Sept 6th

Welcome back to a new season! For those that didn’t have an opportunity last Tues please remember to bring your two cheques made out to the “Gloucester Community Concert Band” with you to practice:

a. Cheque One dated September 6, 2016 for Membership to be handed to Sylvie Ouellet (Treasurer):

$70 for adults;
$45 for students; and

b. Cheque Two dated June 30, 2017 for Music Folder Deposit in the amount of $100 to be handed to Erin Walsh (Music Librarian).

Thank you to all who helped put Lisa’s music room back to order after rehearsal. She is still trying hard to swap out the black desk chairs for regular ones. We need to leave the room with three rows of 10 chairs and music stands. Please ensure the middle row is made up of the red chairs. Extra black chairs can be placed in the small corner practice room.

For those that enjoyed the Jazz Band at Dave’s House Warming in July, we will be performing for the Army Run on Sat, Sept 17th at 10 am on the main stage in front of City Hall.

Dates of Interest:

Sept 6th: First Rehearsal
Oct 4th: Bandathon with St Peter’s HS and Band Social at Portobello's
Oct 25th: Bandathon with St Matt’s HS and AGM
Dec 4th: Fall Concert

Music for Sep 13th:

To be handed out at rehearsal.

see you on Tues!
